Dealing with loss and change after brain injury can also take a toll on family members...
BIAT not only provides services for individuals living with brain injury, but also for their support networks - carers and family members - who may also be impacted by brain injury.

Provide you with information about supporting someone with a brain injury
While the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania is no longer funded as a brain injury information and referral service - we can still provide people with information on where they can access this support, and a follow-up service to ensure people’s need for information and support is being met.

Peer Support Groups
Brain Injury Peer Support Groups for people with brain injury and their support networks have now been established in Hobart, Launceston and Ulverstone. There is also an online state-wide Peer Support Group.
New members are welcome to join.
TheGroups support people with lived experience of brain injury to come together to share, learn and connect with other people with similar experiences.

Online Resources
BIAT can provide you with a range of different online and physical brain injury resources. The following key resources may be beneficial for a family member or carer of someone with a brain injury.
Carers Tasmania
Care2Serve - Carer Support Network
Advocacy Tasmania
Understanding and Living with Brain Injury (BIAT)
A guide for partners (Headway UK)
ABI (acquired brain injury) The Facts (Synapse)
A Guide To Staying Safe Online
BrainLink Services (Vic)
Brain Injury Assist