About Me Project 

The About Me Project is an initiative of The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania  

About Me supports participants to have greater choice and control in their: 

  • Disability Support (Support Me) 
  • Education (Educate Me) 
  • Health and Wellbeing (Healthy Me) 
  • Employment (Employ Me)* 

All four programs - Educate Me, Employ Me, Support Me and Healthy Me – are available to clients of the Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) at no cost. Participants can choose to complete one, all or a combination of these four modules.   

About Me uses a 10-step program that supports participants to develop their confidence and capacity to make decisions and communicate their needs.   

To learn more about the program, call us on (03) 6230 9800 or email enquiries@aboutmeplus.com.au   

*For more information about Employ Me, visit  www.employmeplus.com.au  

The About Me Project is funded by Tasmania’s Motor Accidents Insurance Board.   

A program featuring:

  • Specialist, co-designed methodology and resources - Both the 10 step methodology and the workbooks are designed specifically for, and with input from, people with disabilities.
  • Capacity building - Participating in the program involves working with an About Me Project Officer through the evaluation, capacity building and video filming and production stages. Each stage supports a participant to reflect on and identify their needs and strengths.
  • Video production - The succinct 3-6 minute “About Me” video produced through each program can be used in applying for jobs, shared with supports such as teachers, disability support providers and healthcare practitioners to communicating your needs, goals and preferences.

Supports participants to build:

Confidence -  to set and pursue employment goals

Motivation - to take steps towards these goals

Knowledge - around job seeking, around support needs and workplace accommodations, around organisations and groups to connect with and walk with you in your employment journey   

Skills - that you need to communicate with employers, or to pursue any training needs you identify