Relevant Publications

Rethinking Brain Injury DPFO Project Final Report

This 2020 BIAT report provides a review and evaluation of the 12-month project funded by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Disabled Persons and Family Organisation (DPFO) grant.

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Disclosure: Who, What, Where, When, Why – Economic Participation Project Final Report

This 2020 BIAT report provides a review and evaluation of the 12-month project funded by a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Economic Participation Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant.

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Brain Injury Hospital Community Liaison Pilot Program: Final Report

In May 2015 BIAT implemented a 12-month Hospital Community Liaison Program pilot in response to the need for personalised support by people diagnosed with a brain injury and their families in Tasmania. The Program was modelled on the success of the BrainLink Community Liaison Pilot in Victoria.

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Understanding the Relationship between Family Violence and Brain Injury

This 2016 BIAT report presents a summary of the key issues surrounding the complex relationship between brain injury and family violence in Australia and outlines the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania’s position statement on family violence and brain injury.

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Acquired Brain Disorder Community Liaison Officer Project: Interim Report

This 2016 Interim Project Report from BIAT describes the work of the Hospital Community Liaison Officer (CLO), whose role is to provide support to family and carers.

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Brain Injury in Tasmania ... Getting Beyond the Rhetoric

BIAT Report published November 2009

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Acquired Brain Injury and the Criminal Justice System: Tasmanian Issues

BIAT Report published August 2007

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Acquired Brain Injury – Issues?... Solutions?... Final Community Consultations Issues Paper

BIAT Report published April 2006

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