Brain Injury Peer Support Facebook Groups

June 2, 2020


The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania has recently established closed Brain Injury Peer Support Facebook Groups for people with brain injury and their families/ informal carers.

There are two separate Brain Injury Peer Support Facebook Groups available for you to join:

  • A closed group for individuals with brain injury; and
  • A closed group for families/partners and informal carers.

The 'Individuals Group' will assist people with brain injury to connect with other people with brain injury, to share their experiences and other aspects of their brain injury journey.

Families, partners and carers will also have an opportunity, through their own dedicated Families/Carers Group, to engage with each other about their experiences in supporting a loved one with brain injury.

If you would like to join one of these groups please visit the BIAT Facebook Page:

  • Click on 'Groups'
  • Click Join on the relevant Group

Please note: - you will need to have a personal Facebook account in order to join the Peer Support Facebook Groups.

A 'Closed' Facebook Group means:

  • To become a member of the Group the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania must approve your request to join. You will need to answer a couple of questions before you request can be approved.
  • The information you and other group members share within the Group cannot be seen by the public; only the members of the closed group are able to view this information.

If you have any questions about the Facebook groups please contact Robyn McWaldron:

Email: .

Phone: 0460 812 428

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