Bringing Fairness to Care: supporting unpaid carers

March 16, 2019

Past Events

You are invited to attend this roundtable discussion on Tuesday 26th March with federal politicians and community leaders on how unpaid carers can be better supported.

With the Federal Election fast approaching, now is the time to highlight to politicians the additional support carers need.

The Caring Fairly round table is an opportunity to have your voice heard by federal politicians; where you can share your story.

Caring Fairly is a national campaign coalition coordinated by Mind Australia, and supported by the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania. Caring Fairly seeks policy changes that will deliver sustainable, fairer and more inclusive outcomes for all unpaid carers in Australia.

By coming along you will help strengthen the collective voice of unpaid carers in Tasmania and help to consolidate political support for the rights of carers.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday 26th of March

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Venue: Mental Health Carers Tasmania, 2 Terry St Glenorchy 7010

RSVP: 03 6228 7448 or

BIAT look forward to seeing you at this important discussion and information session.

Light refreshments will be provided.

You can download the flyer here.

About Caring Fairly

Caring Fairly is a campaign led by unpaid carers, and supported by a coalition of carer support organisations, NGOs and peak bodies, including the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania. It is coordinated by Mind Australia, one of Australia’s leading community managed mental health service providers.

Caring Fairly was launched on 21 August, 2018 at Parliament House, Canberra, by a founding coalition of over twenty organisations.

The Caring Fairly coalition has invested in leading edge research and produced evidence based policies in eight key domains that can sustainably advance the economic, social and cultural rights of unpaid carers in Australia.  

Visit the Caring Fairly website to learn more.

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