Brain Injury Assist Project

BIAT is pleased to share the Brain Injury Assist project, in partnership with Brainlink Services (Victoria).

The project aims to simplify the information presented to family members and carers of people with a brain injury in both Victoria and Tasmania. The information below is an initial release of the flyers and videos that are available on a dedicated website linked to the flyer QR codes. If you have any questions about the Brain Injury Assist resources or would like more information about Tasmanian Services please contact us, the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania, on 1300 242 827 or

Visit the Brain Injury Assist Website

About Brain Injury

Brain injuries are like fingerprints; they are all different.


Carer Health & Wellbeing

It is important for carers to look after their own health and wellbeing; for your sake and the person you care for.


Life with a brain injury

Adjusting to life with a brain injury can take time.  We are here to assist and make it a little easier.


Brain injury & rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is about regaining skills to help you get on with life.


What to expect in hospital

Tips for when your loved one is hospitalised with brain injury.